How to choose a colour

Colours in the home reflect who we are and what kind of choice we have. Promax provides the best platform by which you can choose an extensive range of colours according to the matching colour scheme. Just make a call to our expert team or send the email to us. We will provide proper consultancy to settle your interior and exterior textures and colour schemes.

Effects of colour on mood

Colours create emotions such as rage and excitement, so keep that in mind. Setting the correct tone for a home's atmosphere is crucial. These days, there is a lot of information available to the general public. The way you want to fill a room might help you pick the right hue. In a room, two to three colours are sufficient, but not excessive.

The following examples show how light colours expand tiny spaces while dark colours contract larger spaces.

Green is a soothing colour that may be used in any room. It encourages relaxation, comfort, and fertility.

Orange is a vibrant hue that looks well with fitness equipment. Neutral colours such as grey, white, etc. are more flexible.

Using Off White in trim has its best use. A few experts believe Off White gives the necessary depth to a room.

Innovative tips to reflect your walls

Modern era technology plays an important role in providing a diagram that will justify your painted walls outcome. Simple tips and colours presentation through images will make a clear image of your home outcome. So have a source of vector image of your house or project by sending the email to us.

You might not have the time to keep up with the most recent style and colour trends announced by a reputable painting company or industry experts. If you're looking for the best colours to paint your home, consult our team. The proper guidance and modern techniques for enhancing the quality of the paint will be delivered by our team


Eco-friendly paint products are more beautiful, durable, and green than ever before, thanks to changing and more advanced resources and manufacturing procedures. These paints come in a variety of colours to complement any style while also providing long-term performance, boosting your household's general health and safeguarding the environment.

Eco-friendly paint products are more beautiful, durable, and green than ever before, thanks to changing and more advanced resources and manufacturing procedures. These paints come in a variety of colours to complement any style while also providing long-term performance, boosting your household's general health and safeguarding the environment.

While having a paint, it must be kept in mind that either it contains VOC, volatile organic compound or r harmful matters that are hazardous for health. A home is a safe place while buying the paint you must check the quality of paint and the quantity of VOC chemicals in it. If the paint is eco-friendly then must go for it.

Improving all the defective surfaces

Remove all defective or poorly adhering material by using a suitable abrasive paper or stiff brush and dust off. Treat any area affected by mould, lichens & algae with bleach. After priming new surfaces with Promax Under Coat Sealer, fill the surfaces with Promax Wall Putty.

Take the time to create the finest possible working environment before you begin your interior tasks. Because space is sometimes limited if you can't remove all of your furniture, cover everything with plastic to avoid a painting disaster. Remove electrical faceplates and hardware, as well as photos and window treatments, for the best effects.

Covering water leaking areas

To ensure that water leaking areas do not return there are a few necessary steps to take before you paint. First, it’s important to find out the source of the leak and repair it before you paint. A leaking roof, a busted pipe or clogged gutters are frequently behind those rust-coloured, yellow or grey stains that signal water problems. After you’ve found out the leakage areas, have a proper treatment by the waterproof coatings or fix it with the water blocking to resist it to flow from the new paint